تازہ ترین
چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان اور اسلامی یونیورسٹی اسلام آباد کے سعودی صدر میں تناؤ
بین الاقوامی اسلامی یونیورسٹی کے صدر اور ریکٹر آفس نے جامعہ کے سب سے اعلیٰ اختیاراتی بورڈ (بی او ٹی) کی سفارشات کو ماننے سے انکار کر دیا۔
چانسلر جامعہ کے نام خط میں سعودی نژاد صدر جامعہ نے کہا کہ میں بی او ٹی کی سفارشات کو مستر دکرتا ہوں، ان کی میری نظر میں کوئی اہمیت نہیں،چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان اسلامی یونیورسٹی میں ذاتی ایجنڈہ پر کام کر رہے ہیں،انہیں اختیارات کے ناجائز استعمال سے روکا جائے۔
صدر اسلامی یونیورسٹی کے الزامات کے درعمل میں چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان برہم ہوگئے، رجسٹرار سپریم کورٹ سے چانسلر جامعہ کے نام لکھوائی وضاحت میں کہا کہ صدر اسلامی یونیورسٹی اپنی بد اعمالیوں کو میری غیبت کر کے چھپانا چاہتے ہیں۔ کیاصدر اسلامی یونیورسٹی کی پاکستان کے سب سے بڑے جوڈیشل آفس کے خلاف ہرزرہ سرائی خودی سعودی گورنمنٹ کیلئے باعث شرمندگی نہیں ہو گی۔
رجسٹرار سپریم کورٹ کی طرف سے وضاحتی خط میں لکھا گیا کہ متعدد یاد دہانیوں کے باوجود ریکٹرآفس نے صدرجامعہ کی ایماء پر 11دسمبر2023کو منعقدہ بورڈ آف ٹرسٹیز کے اجلاس کے میٹنگ منٹس کی ابھی تک منظوری نہیں دی۔
رجسٹرار سپریم کورٹ کی طرف سے وضاحتی خط میں لکھا گیا کہ حکومت پاکستان اور پاکستانی عوام تو سعودی عرب کا احترام کرتے ہیں لیکن ایک سعودی نژاد شہری کو چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان کے خلاف اس طرح ہرزہ سرائی کرنا کیا سعودی حکومت کیلئے شرمندگی کا سبب نہیں۔
واضح رہے کہ گیارہ دسمبر2023کوجامعہ کی بی او ٹی نے اسلامی یونیورسٹی کے نائب صدر ایڈمن/فنانس ڈاکٹر نبی بخش جمانی پر جامعہ کی حدود میں داخلے پر پابندی لگاتے ہوئے جامعہ کے بورڈ آف گورنرز کیلئے نامزدگیوں کی منظوری دی تھی۔
کھیل1 سال ago
ورلڈ کپ میں ٹیم کی بدترین کارکردگی، سری لنکا نے اپنا کرکٹ بورڈ برطرف کردیا
کھیل1 سال ago
کم عمر لڑکی کی سیکس ویڈیو بنانے اور شیئر کرنے پر ریئل میڈرڈ کے 3 کھلاڑی گرفتار
تازہ ترین9 مہینے ago
چیئرمین پی سی بی دو طرفہ سیریز پر بات کرنے آئرلینڈ پہنچ گئے
دنیا2 سال ago
آسٹریلیا:95 سالہ خاتون پر ٹیزر گن کا استعمال، کھوپڑی کی ہڈی ٹوٹ گئی، عوام میں اشتعال
پاکستان9 مہینے ago
مریم نواز سے گورنر پنجاب کی ملاقات،صوبے کی ترقی کے لیے اہم امور پر تبادلہ خیال
ٹاپ سٹوریز2 سال ago
آئی ایم ایف بورڈ سے معاہدہ منظور،1.2 ارب ڈالر کا فوری اجرا ممکن، باقی رقم دو سہ ماہی جائزوں سے مشروط
تازہ ترین10 مہینے ago
پی سی بی نے انٹرنیشنل ٹیموں کے قیام کے لیے عمارت خرید لی
کالم2 سال ago
اسلام میں عبادت کا تصور
اپریل 29, 2024 at 5:02 شام
Nomination of Dr. Hathal bin Hamoud bin Mesfer Al-Otaibi as President of
the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI)
Reference Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training No.4-
10/2020-IC-II Dated April 29, 2020, on the subject referred to above.
IIU is one of the leading universities of the country. It is truly an international
university, and has the highest number of foreign students in any Pakistani university.
Currently, 1,601 foreign students from 29 different countries, including such non-Muslim
countries as Russia, China, India, and South Africa, are enrolled there.
According to the IIU Ordinance [Section-13(1)], the President of the IIUI is the
academic and administrative officer of the institution [Section-13(3) (a)]. He/she is to be
appointed by the Board of Trustees, "out of a panel to be recommended by the Rector, on
such terms and conditions as the Board of Trustees may determine and shall hold office during
the pleasure of the Board of Trustees for a term not exceeding four years”. The President of
Pakistan is the Chancellor of the University [Section-9] and Chairman of the Board of Trustees
[Section- 17(i)].
There has been an informal practice of appointing the President on the
recommendation of a particular friendly government. This is not a legal requirement but a
gentlemen’s agreement founded on the deep and lasting friendship with this particular
country. The nomination of Dr. Al-Otaibi by this government follows this practice.
In recent years, however, this agreement has been put to a severe test because
of the problems that emerged during the tenure of the outgoing President1
, who was also
nominated in accordance with the above practice. Unfortunately, he failed to earn the respect
of his peers. His academic record was quite undistinguished, and he had almost no
management experience before taking up this prestigious responsibility. Despite spending 8
years in Pakistan, he acquired no ability to speak Urdu, English or any other language spoken
in the country. His tenure was plagued by persistent accusations of mismanagement and
1 Dr. Ahmed Bin Yousif Al-Draiweesh, is the President, IIU since October 12, 2012. During this period, Dr. AlDraiweesh has been granted three tenures with the last term of fresh appointment for four years w.e.f July 1st
2018. Summary of appointment tenures along with notifications is at Annex-I
decision-making. This has resulted in a high degree of politicization amongst
students as well as faculty.
Today, IIUI is not an easy institution to lead. It requires an experienced
professional to overcome the recent bitterness, manage competing political forces, find a
stable solution to the institution’s governance challenges, and restore the traditional prestige
and image of the institution. Alternatively, exposing a less experienced person to such
challenges would condemn them to failure. This would be extremely detrimental for the
university, which is not in a strong position to begin with. It will also tarnish the image of the
long-standing and deep friendship between the two countries.
An organizational review of the résumé of Dr. Hathal bin Hamoud bin Mesfer
Al-Otaibi is annexed as well for information (Annex-II). As can be seen, there are a number of
questions about the absence of relevant experience in the resume.
In view of the above, the following is proposed for consideration:
Consensus: The most urgent task is to reach an agreement among key stakeholders
(including partner governments) on the selection criteria and the selection process for
the position. The purpose of formulating these criteria is to ensure that whoever is
selected will be successful in the endeavor. Draft criteria could be discussed in a
special meeting of the IIUI Board of Trustees, to be convened by the President of
Pakistan in his capacity as the Chancellor and Chairman of the IIU Board.
Selection Criteria: As is the case with other heads of universities, the criteria have to
include academic excellence and eminence, significant experience of financial and
human resource management (e.g., as the head of a university or similarly large
academic institution), knowledge of Pakistani society, languages, and culture, and
exposure to high levels of official and diplomatic circles.
Selection Process: The IIUI statute lays down the process quite clearly, namely the
recommendation of a panel of names by the Rector for the consideration of the BOT.
The key stakeholders need either to validate this process, or agree to an alternate
process (in which case the law may have to be amended), so that it is followed in a
transparent manner. In either event, best practices in such processes need to be
followed, including, e.g., an open advertisement, scrutiny by a Search Committee
headed presumably by the Rector IIU, and the recommendation of a panel of names
for the consideration of the BOT.
Nominations: Representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are already associated
in the search process through representation on the BOT. They could be requested to
nominate a panel of three eminent academicians with the required qualifications and
diverse and distinguished experience, and the Search Committee could consider thes
Future Renewals: Besides new appointments, a formal process also needs to be
established to consider grant of extension to existing incumbents. To this end, the BOT
may consider appointing a high level Performance Evaluation Committee, with
representation from the HEC, MoFE&PT, MoFA and a Vice Chancellor of a federally
chartered public sector university as appointed by the Chancellor IIU.
The Current Situation: The above consensus could also inform actions needed
immediately, including further scrutiny of Dr. Al-Otaibi’s credentials.
Director General (A&C)
The Secretary, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional
Training, Islamabad
HEC U.O # No.5-18/A&C/2020/HEC/1594 Dated Wednesday the May 13, 2020
c.c. to:
Director General (ME), Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
اپریل 29, 2024 at 5:05 شام
جب وہ سعودی غیر قانونی طریقہ سے اتنی بڑی پوسٹ پر اتنا چھوٹا سنسان بیٹھا ہو تو وہ اسی طرح کی حرکتیں کرتا ہے
بی او ٹی نے اسے کہا کہ باز آ جاو غیر قانونی حرکتوں سے تو اس نے غصہ ملازمین جامعہ اور ان کے لیڈران پر نکالنا شروع کر دیا
اپریل 29, 2024 at 5:08 شام
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